These seed oil free tortilla chips from Masa are made with nixtamalized corn and cooked in grass-fed beef tallow.

Read our review to find out why these are the best seed oil free corn chips we could find.

photo of seed oil free tortilla chips in a bowl

Great ingredients

These seed oil free tortilla chips have super simple ingredients: organic corn, 100% grass fed beef tallow, and sea salt. That's right, no seed oils!

The organic corn is nixtamalized which makes it more nutritious and easier for your body to digest.

The nixtamalization process can also help remove contaminants like aflatoxins, which can sometimes be present in corn.

Well packaged - no broken chips!

Masa does a great job packing these chips in a resealable bag. There are inevitably some crumbs at the bottom of the bag, but more than 95% of the chips are unbroken.

Masa chips ship directly to your door, so it's even more important that they're well packaged. I've eaten dozens of bags of these chips and the quality is always consistent.

They even put "0g seed oils" on the front of the bag!

photo of seed oil free tortilla chips masa

Great flavor

It doesn't matter if a tortilla chip is seed oil free if it doesn't taste good. But these tortilla chips taste amazing!

I eat these almost every day with a grass-fed beef bowl, but I also occasionally eat them on their own or with salsa.

You can really taste the difference the beef tallow makes when compared to tortilla chips made with cheap seed oils.

Great size

Some tortilla chips are just too big to eat comfortably. You end up cutting your mouth or breaking the chip into a bunch of little pieces.

These chips from Masa are the perfect size. I can easily eat an entire chip in one bite with a beef bowl, salsa, or on their own.

photo of seed oil free tortilla chips masa

Review: 5/5

I'm not exaggerating when I say I eat these chips almost every day.

Everything about these chips is great. No seed oils, great ingredients, great flavor, great size, and great packaging. Yes, they're great!

A grass-fed beef bowl is my go-to lunch. It's so nice knowing that I'm eating a 100% seed oil free meal, and these chips make it possible!

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